I Failed 9 Times In A Row To Learn This

I Failed 9 Times In A Row To Learn This

Hey folks!

I hope this newsletter finds you well.

Today, I want to share a personal secret with you—one that has caused me a lot of failure in my life.

I'm talking about FOMO—the fear of missing out, which led to missed opportunities.

Recently, my best buddy gave me a reality check that got me thinking about my past experiences.

This pushed me to write this newsletter.

It all started when I discovered the online world. There's so much happening online, and of course, I wanted to be a part of it all.

I started with content creation, made an educational channel, and guess what? No results after 2 days.

So, I thought, "Let's try something else!" and created a magic tricks channel. Well, that only got me 3 views…

Not to mention, I started my first online business. Of course, I made $0 in the first 4 hours.

I even entered the world of hacking (used to be a Robin Hood, hacking bullies' Facebook accounts secretly at school).

Basically, I tried everything.

But here's the big problem—I never stuck with anything for more than a week.

It's like having 26 books on a table in front of you, all with interesting covers (because, you know, everyone judges a book by its cover, especially Gen Z kiddos).

You start reading a few pages from the first book, get bored, and haven't learned anything.

So you move on to the next book. And so it goes. After one week, you realize that the only achievement you've reached is... wasting one week.

You could have focused on just 1 or 2 books that week and actually learned something.

I hope you get my point (if not, congrats, your attention span is under 2 seconds—go read some fucking books).

Sorry for spamming you with the word "books".


However, there's a bright side to this story.

I learned the hard way that consistency is key.

Recently, I picked 3 books: content creation, freelance, and building an AI tool (more details in the next newsletters).

It has been more than 8 months that I have been focusing only on those 3 main things.

I built habits and a daily routine around them.

I've become disciplined and consistent.

And for the first time, I am seeing some serious results.

You see, guys, life is like the YouTube algorithm—consistency is all that matters (even if the quality sucks, eventually, it will improve with consistency).

So stay focused, let's crush it, and do not forget to read books

