Here Is Why I Am Copying Andrew Tate

I have a confession to make: I've shamelessly copied Andrew Tate, and let me tell you, it's been the best decision ever!

Everyone is going on and on about his controversial opinions, what he says, and what he does. But you know what? I don't have time for all that (Sorry, but your boy Lemino is turning into a busy entrepreneur). Instead, I've been focused on learning from his strategy and how he manages to stay independent from algorithms and social media platforms. But before we get into all that, let me share a story like I always do.

You probably know about my content creation journey that began with uploading random videos on YouTube. I spent a good chunk of my life there, just chilling, creating, learning, and growing up.

Creating long-form content was my true passion. I'm talking about videos that lasted 7 to 10 minutes. They were short videos back then but a nightmare for today's kids with a whopping attention span of 3 seconds. Yeah, I know, impressive.

You might be one of those folks too, so let's keep it short...

Times have changed, and we are getting old. There's this bizarre new platform called TikTok, where people are making incredibly short videos. Everyone and their grandmother has migrated there and transformed into creators overnight.

I got a little lost. Should I switch platforms? Should I become one of the TikTok cool kids? I tried to create my first TikTok video, tried my best to stay creative, not copy anyone, be my authentic self, as always.I ended up with a 3 minute video, I couldn't even upload it. Epic fail.

So, I dedicated hours upon hours to train myself in the ways of the 45-second video. I had to keep my style and creativity intact, all within this absurdly short timeframe. I'm proud to say that I've reached a good level now, and I've even hacked the algorithm! (I guess)

Currently, I'm crossing both worlds, creating short-form content for TikTok and long-form content for YouTube. And brace yourselves for the new podcast on Spotify. (Let's keep that between us.)

But you know what? The platforms keep changing, and not always for the better.

I took a look at how people are reacting and stumbled across that bald guy with TikTok videos with yellow captions and motivational background music.

Yes. It's the Top G. Andrew Tate.

I can't say I'm his biggest fan (My ears can't handle his loudness), but when it comes to marketing, I'm his number one admirer.

You've probably heard that he recently got canceled from all platforms, but he didn't let that stop him. And do you know why? It's all thanks to his newsletter. That's right! The man knows how to stay connected without any interruptions. No third parties, no platforms, and no lousy algorithms dictating what he can and can't do. He has managed to maintain his independence and control over his content, which is exactly my dream as an independent content creator.

Let us escape the matrix, ditch the algorithm, make $1M in 12 days, look at yourself in the mirror, and don't forget to move this email to your inbox! (unless you want to miss out on all the awesomeness). GO JIM FUCKING SKINNY!

Lemino (57kg)