Who The Duck am I?

Who the duck am I?

Hey there, peeps! It's your boy Lemino, and I'm here to share some random stuff with you. Like I always do…

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Lemino, a 20 year old internet kid.

It all started 12 years ago when I got my Samsung S3500.

I began by filming my silly brother and pulling off some crazy edits using nothing but the pause button.

Little did I know, this hobby would shape my skills and unleash my hidden talent: storytelling!

I started telling my tales in front of the camera and sharing them on the internet. My small but strong community loved it, but you know what I didn't love? The big fat zero dollars that came with it…

Ah, growing up... reality hit me hard. Turns out, being a full time YouTuber in Tunisia doesn't pay well, especially when the CPM for my niche is $0.02 (don't worry, it's just a fancy term for money stuff).

However, I've got mad editing skills up my sleeve, and with my knack for storytelling, I convinced some folks to hire me for their projects.

Freelancing became my ticket to experience, money, and connections. I realized that making money was as important to me as creating content.

I started investing in shitcoins, trying e-commerce, dropshipping, and even some very weird other business models (spoiler alert: I tried to sell massage videos for old men), all in the pursuit of financial stability that would enable me to keep creating content.

And guess what? I lost 98% of my fortune.

The bright side is that I gained priceless experience and started rebuilding from scratch, but this time, I'm doing it with a clear head. I want to share all of this with you so I can keep pursuing my new hobby: making money without giving up on creating content.

Now, here's the kicker—I suffer from imposter syndrome. Other fancy words, right? It means I constantly doubt myself and feel like I can't share what I know with others. Plus, I'm a perfectionist, which explains why I'm not an internet sensation with millions of followers (yet!). I only post once every 4years because I'm obsessed with filming and editing, which goes against those sh*tty algorithm rules and slows everything down.

But guess what? Last week, a true OG gave me a call and suggested the newsletter idea. This is what I was looking for!

Alright, listen up, folks. I have a confession to make. My memory sucks, like really sucks. Additionally, my grandparents are both dealing with Alzheimer's, and I read somewhere that this Alzheimer's thing runs in the family, so basically, I can join the party very soon…

That's why I'm writing this newsletter. It's like my backup memory. With each email, I want to document my experiences and adventures in the virtual world so I can always look back and remember who the duck am I and what we've been through together. (Hopefully, I won't forget how to write emails anytime soon…)

And finally, if you're wondering why I'm writing in English, there's a reason for that as well. Do you know those strange, weird stories that might make you question my sanity? Yeah, those. I don't want my parents to come across them because I'm planning to share a lot of those stories with you. They already think I'm a little bit crazy, so let's not make it worse.